Wednesday, December 28, 2011


These two were naturals in front of the camera! Such a fun couple to work with! Big thanks to Calvin and Brandy for reminding me why my job can be so much fun!
And Bella, the Great Dane, what a character! Between leaping around like a small horse with excitement and digging up old an old turkey wing (Thanksgiving leftovers?), we had a blast!

This beautiful meadow set the mood by providing us with such warm, golden lighting. It was the perfect location for this little family.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My family

I would love for you to meet my family! We took eachother's photos and placed my camera on a post while setting the timer for our full family photo ( I probably ran back and forth to for about 10 retakes!)

Finally, photos of us! I'm so busy taking photos of others, I never have made time for my family.

 Family portrait 2011...many more to come!

Daddy and Noah near the beautiful, bare, aspens!

                  Daddy and Noah again, smiles

Noah exploring the golden field

      Me and my sweet boy

Me! Finally stepped in front of the camera. Hesitantly, of course.

Noah wearing
the beanie
I made him for
 winter this year


      the  tripod,
                our little family!            Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kari + Brent say "I Do"

Captured history for Kari and Brent Tanner as  they made a promise for eternity, using two simple words... "I Do!"
The wedding took place in Palm Desert California, it  rained that day ( it hardly rains in the desert, go figure), the sky was cloudy and gray, the ground and ceremony set up were drenched. They say it's good luck?
By the time the ceremony rolled around the sky opened up and the rain/ clouds vanished! Miracle? Nope. Just meant to be! These two are one of a kind.