Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Wedding Sneak Peek: Tom + Claire

Such a beautiful wedding and couple! I was so honored to witness an inspirational love between Tom and Claire.
This is a sneak peek into their beautiful day, stay tuned for more!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Exploring my Sundays; A Quest for Gold.

I have decided to dedicate my Sundays to exploring the photo options around me. Living in South Lake Tahoe, it's pretty difficult to capture an "ugly" photo and the the scenery is always the same. I've challenged myself to photograph the 'out of norm' visuals I see around Tahoe. In this blog, for example, the morning after a snowfall.... I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood in a quest for gold and what I stumbled upon can be easily ignored yet it's beauty cannot be denied.
This is the result of snow melting on asphalt; oil resin+water= art.